Expanding the existing range of established products always brings expectations on both sides. On the side of the manufacturer, who hopes to satisfy existing customers and "attract" new ones and on the side of the customer who always expects change, improvement, innovation, etc.
In the spring of 2020 we expanded the range of Truckbox with the new product Tissue Truckbox. That was a big change for us. Until now, Truckbox was an advertising gift box in which the customer packed his advertising items - wines, T-shirts, chocolates, golf balls or whatever they found valueble to present to their customers and partners. Tissue Truckbox is on the contrary a small promotional gift in itself. It contains tissues and no need to fill then up.
As for the dimensions we cared about choosing the right sizes of boxes. Our goal was to chose a size which would fit in to the storage compartments of trucks and cars, such as a pocket at the side door. Quality workshop processing and full-color printing with lamination must be the standard.
The first swallows was a Tissue Truckbox with a tractor-trailer design. The bet on the largest group of customers paid off, customers were satisfied. This was followed by Tissue Truckbox with the graphics of a bus, truck and tractor with a tanker or silo trailer.
As for the filled-in tissues we have added the posibility to select quality: either 2 or 3 layered tissues. So far, the last variant is Tissue Truckbox with delivery graphics. The format of the box allows to insert up to 100 pieces of 2-layer or up to 75 pieces of 3-layer—running nose, allergies, trapped hands, spilled water, no problem! There's enough tissues!